Academic Resources
Elementary Resources
Students have access to most of the following curriculum through Classlink.
English Language Arts: Wonders by McGraw Hill
Health: The Great Body Shop
Math: enVisions (Supplemental: EdGems )
Science: Mystery Science
Social Studies: NewsELA
ELD: Systematic ELD
Spanish Language Arts: Maravillas by McGraw Hill
Middle School Resources
Students have access to most of the following curriculum through Classlink.
English Language Development: HMH English 3D
English Language Arts: StudySync by McGraw Hill
Health: Teen Health by McGraw Hill
Math: Amplify Desmos
Science: IQWST & National Geographic Spanish
Social Studies: DBQ Project and NewsELA
ELD: English 3D
High School Resources
Students have access to some of the following curriculum through Classlink.
English Language Development: HMH English 3D
English Language Arts: Inquiry by Design plus additional texts
Health: Goodheart Willcox Health
Math: CPM (College Preparatory Math)
Science: See teacher for specific text used in each Science class
Social Sciences: See teacher for specific text used in each Social Science class
ELD: English 3D
Supplemental Resources
Social Studies:
Elementary Choice Board for At Home Learning (also in Spanish)
OCSD Library Staff Read Alongs
Physical Activities: OPEN Active Home Links or Go Noodle
For Families
Open Middle Math Problems (K-12)
Math Expressions Family Links: http://www.eduplace.com/parents/mthexp13/
Middle School Core Math Curriculum: http://www.corefocusonmath.com/
High School Core Connections http://cpm.org/courses
For Families
On June 14th, 2012, Social Sciences Curriculum was adopted by the Oregon City School District Board to align with the Oregon State Standards for Social Sciences. This was an independent adoption of Open Educational Resources aligned to the standards. During the 2021-22 School Year, materials will be compiled and there will be opportunities for families to review standards and materials before lessons are taught.
Enrichment resources:
From the Oregon Department of Education (ODE):
Oregon’s Extended School Closure Special Education Guidance
From ODE and co-written by FACT Oregon:
OCSD is an AVID district meaning staff participates in regular trainings, professional development, offers the AVID elective, and uses AVID’s proven system to develop high functioning schools. AVID’s mission is to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college and career readiness and success in a global society. Oregon City first implemented AVID in the Fall of 2015.
AVID brings research-based strategies and curriculum to educational institutions in elementary, secondary, and higher education. The AVID System annually provides more than 30,000 educators with training and methodologies that develop students’ critical thinking, literacy, and math skills across all content areas throughout the entire campus, in what we call Schoolwide AVID.
Gardiner Middle School
AVID Elective 6th - 8th Grade
Site Coordinator: Danielle Tebon and Megan McCormick
Tumwata Middle School
AVID Elective 7th - 8th Grade
Site Coordinators: Adrienne Treadwell and Christina Magaña
Oregon City High School
AVID Elective 9th - 12th Grade
Site Coordinator: Caralee Thygeson